“From Transplantation to Translation: a bilingual reading”
Moosje M Goosen with Kate Briggs and Cléa Chopard / Video-Documentation

On Tuesday, 14 December 2021, from 6:30 to 8 pm CET,
Moosje M Goosen, Kate Briggs and Cléa Chopard
read English texts and French translations
at Bureaucracy Studies, Renens, Switzerland,
and online.

Moosje M Goosen thinks of translating and transplanting
as having intimate conversations with people,
both dead and alive.
The reading took place
in the framework of Goosen’s exhibition “On Wards”.
For more information on the exhibition.
please click here.

Moosje M Goosen is a writer and artist
based in Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Kate Briggs is a writer and translator
based in Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Cléa Chopard is a writer, performer and translator
based in Geneva, Switzerland.

Bureaucracy Studies follows the rules and prohibitions
of the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health.
For the rules and prohibitions in easy-to-read language,
please click here.

The reading is supported
by the Fondation Nestlé pour l’Art.
This is the logo of the foundation:
Logo of the Fondation Nestlé pour l'Art